Getting Started: Introduction to geoTribes Explorer

geoTribes Explorer is a publishing and analytics platform for geospatial data, allowing teams of users to collaboratively map and analyse spatial data anchored to a geographic location. With a range of tools, the web application gives users the ability to interactively explore and map spatial data from a range of perspectives, in order to solve geospatial marketing and retail strategy problems.

geoTribes Explorer provides four main components:

  1. Networks - Visualise locations and their trade areas.

  2. Mapping - Visualise a wide range of spatial data thematically as a map.

  3. Reporting - Bringing spatial data and networks together to produce geospatial analytical outcomes.

  4. Audience Finder - Create your own audiences based on a wide range of demographics, geodemographics and characteristics of households and individuals.


How does it work?

The Explorer interface provides a user-friendly means of accessing spatial data stored in Amazon Web Services to create outputs such as Maps, Reports and Data Exports for use outside the system. Using the Google Maps API, this data can also be viewed geographically. System features display and summarise the data within unique analytical frameworks.


What is in my Account?

The geoTribes Explorer platform is uniquely configured around each company's needs, with a combination of data and features catered to solve specific problems. The enterprise architecture means each company has users with shared access to a collective pool of data, enabling them to work collaboratively. Everything created in the Explorer can be shared within a company, however users have the ability to create private versions of several specific features.

Note: All company and account information is securely partitioned, meaning only company materials are available to company users.

Where does the Data come from?

Data within Explorer accounts is unique to the company configuration and comes via three main sources: RDA Research, client and third party supplied. RDA Research prepares and loads much of the data for the account setup, but there is functionality allowing users to create, load and update their own data for sharing within the company.
