Mapping and Reporting Data: KML Layers

KML Layers can be used to improve visual analysis by adding on Points (eg locations/sites), Lines (eg boundaries/routes), or Polygons (eg areas) with non Census Area boundaries. These KML Layers can then be overlaid with Networks and Mapping Layers in performing analyses. KMLs can also be exported from the Explorer using the Trade Areas of a location.

KML Layer of Railway lines in Adelaide

Viewing KML Layers


Inside ‘MAP TOOLS’ select the option 'KML Layers' to open the KML Manager popup. KML Layers shared within a company will be listed as rows, with the visibility control on the far right. 

Note: The Layers are drawn in a hierarchy from top to bottom. When there is more than one KML overlapping or with a shared location, such as the same address point, the layer highest in the list will be displayed on top over others on the Map.


Users can manage their own uploaded KML Layers into the Explorer. It is important to note that shared KML layers from other users can not be edited or deleted.

  • Edit KML - Rename KML by clicking on the pencil icon

  • Delete KML - Delete uploaded KML by clicking on the “X”

  • Share KML - Share KML Layer to other users within the company by checking on the Shared box

  • Visibility - View the KML on Explorer by checking on the Visibility.


To upload KML Layers click on ‘KML Layers’ underneath ‘MAP TOOLS’, and then select ‘Upload KML’ from the displayed window. The system accepts both .kml format, or .kmz (the zipped version). When the KML has a large file size it is recommended to first zip the KML file, and then change the file extension name from .zip to .kmz

Create in Explorer

Within Explorer, KML Layers can be generated from Location Report / Site Profile and Footprint Report Map areas.

  1. Create Location Report, Site Profile or Footprint Report.

  2. In the Report Menu 'Export Options' select 'KML of Areas' to download a .kml file.

  3. To import into Explorer, upload via Manage in KML Layers popup. Downloaded KML's can be edited and re-styled in an external application before being uploaded back into Explorer (see below).

Create / Style in External Application

Points, Lines and Polygons can be drawn in an external application and imported into Explorer. KML's exported from Explorer can also be re-styled and imported.

Google Earth

Using this free Google application, KML files of Points ("Placemarks"), Lines ("Paths") or Polygons can easily be created and customised with colours, symbols and labels.

KML Features in Google Earth


Creating Layers

  1. Right-click on the folder 'Temporary Places' in the Table of Contents in Google Earth, select 'Add' then 'Folder'

  2. Select the Point, Line or Polygon from the top drawing toolbar to create a new feature of that type

  3. Name the feature in the pop-up window, and then click to draw it on the map

  4. Ensure all the features are in the new folder by dragging in any others within the Table of Contents

  5. Right click on the folder (or individual feature) and select 'Save Place As...', naming the output and saving it as either .kml or .kmz. (KMZ is the zipped version of a KML file, and is recommended for large file sizes)

    • Import to Explorer via the KML Layers Button on the Map

Styling Layers

  1. In the Table of Contents, right-click on the folder housing the KML features to change all of their styles at once, or a feature within the folder for an individual change. Select 'Properties'

  2. Select the 'Style, Color' tab, and the 'Share Style' option if changing a whole folder's features

  3. For Points - Select the icon image in the top right to choose a new or custom icon. Set the scale to 1 in order to avoid blurring

  4. For Lines and Polygons - Select the colour, opacity, width and whether the polygon should be hollow

  5. Right click on the folder (or individual feature) and select 'Save Place As...', naming the output and saving it as either .kml or .kmz. (KMZ is the zipped version of a KML file, and is recommended for large file sizes)

    • Import to Explorer via the KML Layers Button on the Map

Google Maps

Most maps drawn in Google Maps can be exported as KML (or KMZ) files. However the exported KML format is different to that of Google Earth and Explorer. If a KML/KMZ Layer is downloaded from Google Maps, open it in Google Earth and save it as a new KML file. The formatting will then match the Explorer import requirements and it can be uploaded.