Reports: Interactions Report
A user may wish to examine the influence of nearby locations on one another. For example, a retail network that has stores in close proximity to one another would have a recorded influence. Interaction Networks enable users to determine how influential these cases are as well as determining what percentage other nearby stores may influence each location.
What does it do?
Interaction reports simulate how people may prefer to visit one location over another based of proximity and/or location attractiveness (such as store size, Shopping Centre GLA, etc.). Based off this users can examine where a retail chain has limited reach (White space analysis) or examine where a retail chain is overrepresented (Cannibalisation) or has high competition with competitors.
Who is it for?
Interactions Reports are useful for several different things:
Location Demand Estimates for store sales forecasting
White space within a Network
Examining the effects of cannibalisation and competitors in network placement.
Understanding Location Demand
Location Demand is a core component used within Interaction Reports, this represents the locations Interacted Demand within its Trade Area. i.e. after interacting with nearby locations over its Trade Area, what share/value of the demand does the location achieve?
“Existing” Interaction Report
What can it do?
Location Demand for Existing Location
Performance Benchmarking
Network Interaction
White Space Analysis
“Potential” Interaction Report
What can it do?
Location Demand for Potential Locations
Potential Impact of new locations to an Existing Network
Site Sales Estimate